Part 42: Chapter 17x: Thiefless Speedrun (Battle)
Chapter 17x: Thiefless Speedrun (Prep)Right. So, this is a pretty quick and simple chapter. If youve managed to make it this far, you shouldnt have any trouble with Helena Palace.

Thats a Sorcerer, but I understand.

Dactyls portrait is fucking fantastic, by the way. How are all these good portraits trapped in the Gaidens?

*Implied Action Takes Place, Shame About Those Portrait Limitations*

Theres really nothing interesting Im doing at the start of this turn except putting Norne in Horseman range to take him out. Parthia lends her some serious power, and that speed is pretty great too.

The enemies on this map really arent anything to speak of. Very few promoted foes, and a lot of weak unpromoted ones to serve as experience chaff. At the end of the first turn, a scene triggers.


Etzel enters the bottom of the map. Well ignore him for now.

Sedgar doesnt even need promotion gains to kick ass.

Marth and a few leftover units are heading to the right side to open the doors here while the rest clear the main path on the left. Just a Chest in this first one.

This area is probably the only one on the map Id worry about. This hallway is crawling with ranged units, including magic wielders, and a Manakete blocking the exit. Frey should do fine, though.

Now thats a nice prize.

This is more worrying, but nothing Sedgar cant handle. He also cant double, but thats a very minor inconvenience.

This second door seems to just have a dragon in it. What a dick! By the way, if you have both a Master and Door Key in your inventory, it uses the Master. Or maybe its just the one on top.

Get outta here.

A wizard! These doors blow!

Even Arran is one rounding these goons.

In a sneaky move, there is a Chest behind the mage, but you have to scroll a bit to the right to see it.

Pretty handy for Barst, especially considering weve got Paladins on the horizon.

Now that weve mostly cleared the map, its time to take a look at Etzel. Hes really not even trying, he wont move from that spot and will only attack if you wander into his range. Just dont provoke him.

There are reinforcements, and theyre actually quite a bit more frightening than the enemies weve fought so far. The other two have Javelins. Still not huge threats, but not just punching bags.

Horace should be able to bother their advance a bit.

Fed up with waiting for Marth, so Barst is gonna open the door up.

Ah shit.

Thankfully, instead of both Bishops going for Caeda (who they could kill), they both went for Barst...who they did not.

Enough of that silliness.

One more locked door on this side. Athenas running backup here.

We ended up not needing her. I want Merric to get some experience, since hes got some room before I scrounge up another Seal.

You might notice something about the end of this map. Thats the fact that there doesnt seem to be a way into this last area. No doors.

This is a rude trick.

As soon as you round the corner, the party reveals itself. Hope you didnt leave a flier next to that south wall!

We can finally look at Dactyl, and hes thoroughly...bad.

The mercenaries will rush you, but they arent worth worrying about.

Ooh. I guess the Secret Shop isnt the only place to get this.

Another wave of the Paladins shows up on Turn 14, exactly the same as the first one. Ive got Horace and Norne on it.

Now then, Dactyl.

This has been: Dactyl.

This was a Crit! Good thing it was against Horace!

The penultimate chest has an interesting little reward.

The Wo Dao is basically the Killing Edge, but with More Killing and quite possibly More Edge.

The last treasures less interesting, but no less handy.

Oh yeah, Malledus still exists, huh?

Im actually not sure if this gives you gold, or how much. Theres no pop up and I wasnt wise enough to compare before and after.

His wife, Ursula, not to be confused with the other Fire Emblem Ursula, who is completely unrelated and on a different continent.

Marth in a nutshell. (Shadow Dragon Marth, at least)

And, with that, Etzel joins the party.

Etzels not really great. His growths are decent to subpar, without any major stand outs. His base stats are also a little sketchy, but he does okay, especially on Normal. Hes better in the sequel.
Monocles are kinda cool though so Im using him.
Bonus Content

Etzels Official Art